Five reasons why Carrie Bradshaw is THE WORST

Carrie Bradshaw has three really close friends; Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha. It seems that these ladies would do anything for their best mate.

But why? She’s fucking awful! These ladies all deserve better, and here’s why:

  • Carrie Bradshaw writes publicly about their personal lives

Ever since the first episode of SATC, Carrie has used the sex lives of her three best friends to fill her word count for that week’s article. In the first movie, Carrie even describes them as her “meal ticket”.

It’s part of the show’s canon that the three of them read Carrie’s column on a regular basis. Both the New York Star and Vogue have a large readership, and many readers will be familiar with their names. How could Miranda be OK with Carrie writing about her STI? Why would Charlotte be cool about the story of her first husband’s flaccid cock being read by the entire city, and why would Samantha allow her so called “friend” to write about her many sexual exploits? Actually, I can imagine Samantha being OK with that.

  • She REALLY doesn’t care about her friends.

She might write about them, but Carrie doesn’t show much interest in the lives of her pals. After meeting Stanford’s boyfriend Marcus for the first time, all she can be bothered to say is “he’s nice”. Stanford doesn’t stand for any of her shit and tells it to her like it is. He explains that he’s always talking to Carrie about her love life, in great detail, and all she can be bothered to say is “he’s nice”?! This seems to give Carrie food for thought.

In the Season Four episode, “Time and Punishment”, after Miranda strains her neck, Carrie comes to visit her with some bagels. Carrie seems to genuinely care about Miranda’s welfare for a moment, but it’s not long before she’s talking about her own problems with then-boyfriend Aiden. Like Stanford, Miranda flies off the handle, claiming that Carrie is only using the “bullshit bagels” as an excuse to talk about her own life. Carrie shows genuine remorse, Miranda forgives her and Carrie continues talking about her problems.

(NB: she can’t even be arsed to help Miranda out in her time of need, so sends her boyfriend to do it instead.)

  • She’s really mean to Charlotte

We’re all guilty of it; we’ll yell at those who’ll take it. But Carrie’s the worst when it comes to picking on the ever-reticent Charlotte.

When Carrie is facing a financial crisis, Miranda and Samantha offer to give her a loan. Carrie appreciates their help but politely declines. She is, however, pissed off at Charlotte who remains silent, not offering to give her any money for the mess she GOT HSERSELF INTO. Carrie, the psychopath, then decides to GO ROUND TO CHARLOTTE’S HOUSE in the MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON to yell at her. What a bitch.

Carrie is also cruel to her in the second movie; claiming she’s trying to stop her having fun (AKA cheating on her husband!!!) because she’s paranoid about her own marriage with Harry. This obviously affects Charlotte deeply, who then goes on to get mortally drunk with Miranda. I don’t blame her, if I was friends with Carrie, I’d probably turn to booze as well.

  • She cheats on her boyfriend and then tries to make him feel bad about it

It was a big deal when Carrie cheated on Aiden with Mr. Big. Despite the deception, the pair remained together as a couple, but Carrie felt like Aiden was punishing her. They talked about the issue, which ended with her repeating the phrase, “you HAVE to forgive me” over and over again until he gives in and hugs her.

  • She’s rude to the French 

After moving to Paris, the only people who treat her with any sort of kindness are some fans of her book; they even invite her to a special meal. Up until this point, Paris wasn’t really working out for Carrie – she felt lonely and wandered the streets all day. But then she met this cool group of people, willing to take her in as a new friend.

Later on, her Boyfriend Alexander – the one who abandoned her for his precious art installation – has a panic attack over his show. At the last moment, he asks her to come and support him. She decides to ditch her new friends without even PHONING THEM UP TO EXPLAIN WHY.

Later on at the show, he abandons her (again). She sneaks away from the museum (and Alexander), running to the restaurant she was invited to – only to be gutted when she arrives and the group have already left; leaving a copy of her book (with a wine glass stain on it) on the table.

Bros before hoes, Carrie.

But she’s not all bad. Here’s one of Carrie’s best moments, in which she talks about herself, but somehow still makes you like her.


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